Being Social: The Importance of a Good Social Strategy

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Written By Natalie S

Social media for marketing is not dead yet. Just this year, global media company Forbes called social media a “marketing marvel.” In this article, we’re going to look at why. Read on to find out how a good social media strategy benefits your brand.

Increases brand awareness

Social media is great for discovering new things. According to Growth Gurus, one third of customers use social media to find new products and services. With a good social strategy, you can reach new people and showcase your brand. In other words, you increase your brand awareness and attract new customers. The larger your audience and customer base is, the more authoritative, trustworthy and appealing you become to new customers.

Engages your audience

Social media gives you the chance to speak to your audience. Why is this important? Through your posts and tweets, you let your audience know that you’re still alive. You also show your audience that you care enough about them to engage with them. You might do this by sharing tidbits of interest or by answering direct questions. Engaging with your audience through social media keeps your brand human.

Lends brand authority

Research shows that 63% of consumers who search for businesses online are more likely to use ones with an informative social media presence. Through your social posts, you show your knowledge and expertise on your offerings. You can also become a thought leader in your industry by posting original content and insights.

Social media also lends authority to your brand by virtue of being a social channel. Existing audiences validate your brand for new customers. In this way, a social media presence offers something that a website can’t.

Gives customer insights

Your social media page is like your very own free focus group. You get a community of followers supplying you with valuable insights. Through their engagement with your content and their conversations, you gather feedback on your product and services. You learn what to improve and how.

You can also monitor your audience to learn more about their interests and behaviours. Use this information to improve your social strategy, sharing content that is ever-more relevant and interesting.

Improves SEO

Every business wants to rank well in search results. You may not have the budget for dedicated SEO services, but social media offers you a way to boost your website’s ranking.

Use social media to share content and pages from your site. Every time you get a click, you help boost your ranking. Aim to share content that’s interesting enough to get more shares and clicks. Read more about how to do this in which social media assets bring the best results?

Provides customer support

Research also shows that over two thirds of customers who received a quick response on social media would recommend the brand to others. And wouldn’t you? Customer support is more important than ever. These days, consumers expect transparency from brands. And they seek reviews and validation before buying. Through social media, you provide support to customers where and when they want it.

Increases ROI

Social strategies come in all shapes and sizes. Your social strategy doesn’t have to be expensive or aggressive to be effective. Tailor your social strategy to your budget and goals. Once you do, social media offers the possibility of great return on investment (ROI). Find out more in this Hootsuite article on measuring your social media ROI.