They visit us all – they can be personal, work-related, world events and everything in between – they are the tough times.
The Copy Collective is going through a tough time at the moment – all due to our success. Our business is going great, we have clients walking in the door with new jobs every week, we’ve doubled – and then some – the number of our employees in less than a year.
We are going through an amazing period of growth and we’re like little ducks looking serene above the water with our feet going as fast as they can paddle underneath.
So what are our top three tips to getting through?
- The drug of your choice – for me it’s lolly bananas
- Find something funny in the chaos – for me that was Jim choking on his tea at my lolly bananas
- Thank God It’s Friday – and if it isn’t Friday, then stay in bed until it is
I promise, if you apply these three simple steps it will either a) all look better than before or b) if not, you will have left things for too long and so some of them won’t matter or c) at least you will have got to scoff a bag or two of lolly bananas. Have a great long weekend!