What Will the Results of the Federal Election Bring You

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Written By Pauline Lockie


In the world of politics, there is no second place.There’s either winning Government or a long period in limbo. For the rest of us it is pretty much the same: success or oblivion.With the finish line of the 47thAustralian federal election in sight, there’s an opportunity, which organisations such as yours may use to your advantage. It’s time to ask yourself if your organisation is ready to make the most of post-election opportunities for campaigning, mobilising supporters and establishing yourself with new audiences.
In the days and weeks after the election, it’s essential for your organisation to communicate its action plan for the future. You need to align yourself with political agendas or position yourself to be the one that acts on issues that peoplecare about regardless of the government’s or shadow cabinet’s advocacy.
Either way, it’s crucial that you communicate your stance, and fast.
It’s not an easy task. Key to your campaign will be how specific you are with your ask. Saying you just want to approach – for example – environmental issues isn’t enough. Which issue? What needs to happen? Why? How? Who’s involved? And most importantly: What do you want your supporters, clients or customers to do about it?

The Asia Pacific arm of Greenpeace runs targeted campaigns that are very successful. Pic: Courtesy Greenpeace AP.

Greenpeace always does this really well and a recent example is their Great Barrier Reef campaigns. They target a specific politician about a specific issue threatening the Reef. They clarify the solutions the MP needs to implement. And they make it 100% clear how their supporters can take action to achieve these goals.
Here are some of the other possible policies (or changes to policy) that could affect you post-election:


National Disability Insurance Scheme


Education funding (Gonski)




Marriage equality


Conservation and the environment


Welfare, and


Funding for the artsBut it’s all about how you ask for these things. It’s an art form. And if you’re not completely committed to producing perfect, persuasive copy, then your mission may not only fall on deaf ears, it is likely it will fall into silence too.
 It’s all about quick response, and you need an expert at writing and designing online projects in short time frames. You need a campaign that is easy for people to respond to, and which may cover eDMs, social media, targeted ads, website copy, fully-integrated digital campaigns, and more.
So the question is not who will win this election, it’s will you be off the blocks and running when it’s through?