Ten Simple Steps to become a successful published author

Photo of author
Written By Maureen

You’ve finally written your masterpiece. You’ve done it. You’re an author… But how will people read it? Well, Red Raven Books can help. Maureen Shelley shares the final post in her Blog series “10 Simple Steps to becoming a successful published author.”

Here’s the final steps of what you need to do:

1. Call The Copy Collective and a Red Raven Books’ editor will be assigned to collaborate on your manuscript.
Select how much you want to spend, what you want us to do and what you are prepared to do for yourself. You can stage your process so it suits you and you can pay over a period of time as each service is completed.
This is a fee-for-publishing service. You retain final control. You keep all the proceeds of your sales.
2. Select your package – you can choose some or all. Packages start at $870 through to a full print production with assistance at every step:

  • Editing.
  • Proof reading.
  • Book cover design and selection.
  • Print-ready manuscript (editing and/or proofing & typesetting) + ISBN + barcode.
  • Digital-ready manuscript (for Amazon (Kindle) & iTunes (iBooks) & Google Play.
  • Book app – Android and iOS.
  • Print management – typesetting, printer liaison (Australia), proofs & delivery.
  • Registration and lodgement to comply with the Copyright Act (1968).
  • Marketing plan – social and traditional media, registration with book distributors.

3. Work with your editor during a 4 to 6 week period to complete your draft manuscript.
4. Get the technical bits right: typesetting and design, including digital file preparation.
5. ‘Print’ execution: send to printers or submit to publishing platforms.
6. See your book in print, in the App Store or on Google Play.
7. Manage your launch/celebratory event, first conference presentation or elaunch – including media coaching, photography and support.
8. Digital media campaign – microsite development, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google +, Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, TweetReach, CRM registration and HootSuite scheduling, plus eDM, GoodReads and genre sites registration and reviews.
9. Traditional media campaign: media releases, registration on news sites for Google News indexing, book tours.
10. Start working on your next manuscript.

Red Raven Books is the publishing and imprint arm of The Copy Collective. Find out how we can help you today.