Selective about The Copy Collective

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Written By Monica Seeber

One of The Copy Collective’s contributors Monica Seeber smoothly navigates the world of freelance
copywriting and shares her top four reasons for loving it with The Copy Collective.

Once upon a time there was a young, ambitious copywriter. She sat in her home office and stared at the computer.

She said, “Monitor, monitor on my desk, of all the copywriters who is best?”

“Not you, my dear,” the monitor replied, “you have far too much admin on your mind.”

The young copywriter frowned because she knew it was true. With her client meetings, invoices and deadlines – her hours were too few.

“I shall go and search across the land,” she cried, “for somebody who will give my business a hand!”

By chance one day she entered a competition to describe in 25 words her business ambition. Imagine her surprise when she won a trip to NYC… and so began the dream of what could be.

“Aha! I shall form a copy collective! Of all the best writers I shall be most selective.

There will be workshops and training and networking too,

With a social purpose, client focus and lots of fab wine and good food!

We will have clients who love us and so tell their friends,

And their friends will be clients so the fun never ends.”

And from that day forward The Copy Collective did grow, with a passion for great copy that is not just nouveau.

Okay. So maybe that’s not exactly how The Copy Collective was formed…

Except for the competition – that happened. But it is true that our “commander in chief” – Dominique Antarakis – wanted The Copy Collective to be everything that she didn’t have when starting out.

Dominique told me” “Not every writer wants to run a business, market themselves, or attend networking junkets. For new copywriters, knowing where to start can be especially difficult.”

4 Reasons I love to write for The Copy Collective

I’m a freelancer who’s just starting out, and I can tell you that The Copy Collective has been exactly what I have needed. And these are just four of my reasons why:

  1. No admin just writing… phew!

The Copy Collective takes the administration out of the business so that copywriters like me have the head-space to just write. I get to work on a mix of interesting projects and receive useful feedback and ongoing training so that I’m always learning and improving my craft.

So it works! Dominique and The Copy Collective team – Maureen, Naomi, Marina, and Susan – get to focus on great client service, and I get to focus on creating great copy.

  1. Connecting with The Collective is good for everyone

Freelancing can be a lonely job so The Copy Collective organises little get-togethers across Australia. Dominique is a big fan of social networking events and encourages people to “get out and about” when they can and to talk about the work that they’re doing.

I work from home because logistically it’s most practical, but it does mean you have fewer sounding boards. It is so important to spend time talking to other people who understand your work and in the end it helps us all to work even more effectively.

  1. Words with heart

One of the things I love about The Copy Collective is there’s a lot of heart: The Copy Collective doesn’t just look after contributors and clients, but also the wider community. When I first started, I was sent a lot of (e)-paperwork about different policies.

Dominique told me: “We have a lot of policies; things like our environmental policy, disability action plan, policy around the way we support and collaborate with Indigenous Australians.”

But these policies aren’t just filed in some folder on Dropbox and forgotten about; they truly influence how The Copy Collective operates. The Copy Collective actively supports people with disabilities – by employing them and by working on their behalf. Staff and contributors volunteer and provide pro bono assistance for community groups like Attitude Foundation and Culture is Life.

Notice our swanky new website? It’s fully accessible so people with disabilities or those who use assistive technologies can access our content as easily as anybody else.

  1. More than words

I love working with a group of people who throw their passion into creating exceptional work, but aren’t just focused on profit margins and billable hours.

And I know you will enjoy working with The Copy Collective too – whether you’re looking for a great copywriter, or you are a great copywriter.

The team at The Copy Collective work to have a positive impact in everything we do. We want to leave the world a better place.

And because climate change is a thing… we’ll stay off the roads and work at home. In our pyjamas. It’s just one more reason why I love working for The Copy Collective.

But don’t just take my word for it, check out the video here from CEO Dominique Antarakis and subscribe to The Copy Collective blog.